UV Swimsuit

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€33,95 EUR
From €13,58 EUR
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€26,95 EUR
From €10,78 EUR
Save €16
€26,95 EUR
From €10,78 EUR

Swimsuits in different babysizes

Here at småfolk we are carefull to make sure that looks and practical features goes hand ind hand, when we design clothes for your child. Here at this page you find swim suits in different designs for you child. Each swimsuits are available in different sizes from 56 cm to 98 cm – and we dare garanti, that we have a size that fits your child. 

On top of the nice design our swimsuits are also UV sun protected up to UV50, since the factor is knitted into the fabric. So your child can safely play at the beach dressed in one of our swimsuits and off cause sun screen on the rest of the body. You can stow away the worried mom for a while, when you are sure that your child is sunprotected.

As a supplement to the sun protecting swimsuit we also have sunhats in matching designs. You can choose between hats and caps. And as the last detail you can also get matching swimshoes for the small one, naturally also with UV 50 protection. 

A swimsuit, that is easy to wash

With Småfolk swimsuits you are free from difficult washing instructions, because the swim wear can be washed with all your other clothes on 30 degrees. For swimwear to keep the colors best possible, we recommend that the swimsuit are rinsed in clean cold water after use. We recommend also to avoid drying in direct sunlight and drying in tumble dryer. If the swimsuit shall keep the smooth surface it is best to keep it away from rough surfaces.

You can shop all our swimsuits online here on the page, and then we ship next coming business day. With our size guide you can easily find the size, that fits your child, by measuring your child with a measuring band. Everything goes smooth when you shop online with us, and then you don’t need spending time finding the right size in the shop, you can do it all from home.  

Swimsuits in different colors and designs

Here on the page you find different prints and designs on swimsuits. Try for instance our mermaid swimsuit with the finest skirt or, the diaper swimsuit with surfer penguins, that have space for a diaper. The different swimsuits are available rose, yellow and pink designs with either ruffles or skirt.

We offer naturally also other swimwear for children such as, swimshorts or bikinis in the finest models, if you prefer that. We have also UV 50 body suits with shorts sleeves and legs, if you want to protects you child on a larger part of the body or for a bit colder water.