Baby bedlinen

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€40,00 EUR
€20,00 EUR
€40,00 EUR

Baby Bed linnen – optimal conditions for a good night’s sleep

 Having a baby, is as a human the most important thing in life, which often gives lots of smiles, happiness and bliss. In return a baby requires a lot of attention all times of the day, when you would love a good night’s sleep. With the right bed linens, you can give your baby the most optimal conditions for a good night´s sleep. Which in return, will benefit you as a parent. Perhaps you already prepared the nursery with furniture and details, before your baby decides to arrive, and therefor chosen the color, the print, or pattern on the bed linen, that fits the decoration of the nursery. Some choose single colored baby bed linen, where others choose more vibrent colors which really sets off the interior design. A baby spends most of its life in soft surroundings, that is why bed linen of high quality is almost indispensable for most parents. In relation to this, you could also see our selection of bed bumbers.


Buy Småfolk baby bed linen

For the first many months your baby will sleep a lot, and this is why it is important your child lies safe and comfortable. With Småfolk bed linens, you will spoil them even more. Our bed linens are made from high quality cotton, which are nice and soft for the little one sleep with. We have a selection of pretty baby bedlinens. Here your will find a selection of bed linens with different prints, the little one can look at. But it is not only when the little one shall sleep, the bed linens can be used. It is also be used for snuggling in the sofa, or in the pram while going for a walk. Besides it is fantastic to have bed linens with good looking prints, for your baby to focus on. With our prints, we wish to inspire creative and happy children.


When you purchase our lovely baby bed linens, it will be delivered in a lovely cloth bag with a handle. This makes it super easy to transport, if you are going on holiday, to the cottage or whatever. The bag comes in the same lovely prints as the bed linen and can be used in what way you see fit. Our baby duvet linen measure 70x100 cm. and pillow linen measure 42x46 cm. So, there is lots of spare room before you have to upgrade to Junior bed linen and duvet.


Organic baby bed linen for your child

If you care about ecology, would like to look after nature, and our environment for the next generation. Then Småfolk bed linen is the perfect choice for you and your baby. Our large selection of woll bodystockings is also made from organic cotton. Because it is important to take care or our nature, you can help by buying our organic collection of baby bed linen. All of our baby bed linen is made from high quality cotton, so your precious little pumpkin always lies safe and soft, when sleep calls upon them. Organic fabric is more breathable than regular fabric and can therefor better regulate your child’s temperature. With our organic baby bed linen you will create the best conditions for a safe night´s sleep for your child.